Chicago Medical Social Worker

Chicago Medical Social Worker
A medical social worker works directly with medical professionals and facility administrators to coordinate the discharge and care for patients who need additional treatment once they leave a medical facility. After the patient has returned home, the medical social worker’s job becomes more crucial as the duties are focused on working with the patient and all stakeholders to coordinate proper care across all necessary medical services and managing the needs and expectations of all stakeholders during any emergency situations that might arise due to the condition or illness of the patient.
At Anuco Home Health, we employ medical social workers to perform a wide range of essential duties for maintaining the health and well being of the patients in our care
Common Duties of Medical Social Workers
The medical social worker provides guidance and advocacy for the patient and loved ones, so they are able to withstand the physical, financial, and emotional issues that are part of this very difficult time.
The following are some of the most basic responsibilities of a medical social worker:
Education and Counseling
Mental Health Evaluation

Discharge Planner
All of this can be very stressful on the patient and the family, a medical social worker is there to offer compassionate support when the stress just gets too overwhelming. A physician’s recommendations must be complied with if the patient is to recover in full and a medical social worker can be extremely useful in applying his or her expertise and knowledge to help that happen.
This collaboration between the medical social worker and stakeholders is instrumental in creating a successful strategy for the patient’s discharge from a hospital or care facility. Transportation, meals, medications, and medical equipment are just some of the critical factors that make up a discharge plan and once the patient has arrived at home, the medical social worker will continue to check in on the patient and advise all stakeholders on further steps to take with respect to identifying and solving any barriers to care that might emerge in the near future.
Studies have determined that a patient who returns home with a specific discharge plan ready in advance experience more successful recovery and healing and positive medical outcomes. Putting that strategy in place ahead of time eliminates the worry over attempting to maneuver through the complicated obstacles and requirements that are part and parcel of our current health system.
Having someone on your side to help navigate the collective pitfalls and confusion of preparing the patient for home healthcare makes a challenging time somewhat less difficult.
Advocating for the Patient
Working in concert with the family members and loved ones of the patient is an important part of the advocacy process as it helps establish a pattern for care that leaves little room for confusion or inconsistency in administering that care. This is essential for healing and recovery of the patient in a timely manner that remains within the guidelines of the physician and other medical professionals.
That advocacy consists of the many responsibilities assigned to the medical social worker and the duties that he or she performs in support of the healthcare the patient will receive in the home setting. Our team of medical social workers are highly-qualified and skilled at advocating for and ensuring the safety of the patient throughout the duration of treatment.

Contact Us
Get in touch
Phone: (773)417-8342
Fax: (773)417-8390